Nature + Art + Positivity movement created to foster resilience and wellness and celebrate the unlimited potential of shadows and our own imagination. A drawing exercise to pass the time and stay connected and “connect the dots”. A creative practice encouraged by Leonardo Da Vinci. Self-guided art therapy session in the world of social distancing. An invitation to imagine new alternatives and ways of staying grounded, kind and present in the times of uncertainty. A reminder to be curious about the world within and beyond. An invitation to engage in art as play: unconditionally and with joy.
Why now
CONNECTEDkind was born from a sense of urgency (a bit of panic) and strong belief in the healing powers of art, kindness and connection - on the day I heard about the school closures in our community (on March 14, 2020) due to COVID-19. The first PDF was made that night as an antidote to fear and anxiety. I suddenly realized that at this time of crisis I needed to share my way of drawing with the world. I have been making shadow cutout drawings every day for the last 2 years, but only when I started teaching this, I discovered that we all can do this- and that it has the power of changing the way we see the world. I also saw my shadow cutouts as a metaphor: now that we all find ourselves in quarantine- cut off/cut-out from our own context and communities, we are required to redefine and reimagine our lives, including the ways we can stay connected. CONNECTEDkind is a way to remind us that all we need, we already have around us. We simply need to draw it out!